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Fulamo 22 M
1  Article
Love   5/28/2022

What is love? When will I feel romantic love? It is very interesting to hear the L word but It is easy to say ? Do you tell your parents you love them? What of your friends? How many I love yous have you ever said ? If none, then rectify it, because love is everything and anything to any living organism. Preach your love not your hate or your prejudice. I love a (man , boy, girl, woman and any ...

0 Comments, 1 Views, 0 Votes
rikki4uall 66 M
1  Article
is it possible   5/11/2011

I have had a relationship with a man, however he was not interested in a commitment. Although he was my first male partner

0 Comments, 2 Views, 0 Votes
happyman001 37 M
1  Article
What is love?   10/29/2006

Honestly...What is your opinion? This seems pointless but be honest. Because i believe people see love as more of in sexual ways. Thats not real love though. Be honest... What do you think?

0 Comments, 59 Views, 6 Votes ,3.65 Score
blackchild4u 41 M
1  Article
Can i meet the right man here to love and be loved   9/21/2006

well am a single honest and a loving man with great sense f wondering if i can find a man here to love and be loved.......can i find that here.???can u give me an advice too? byeeeeeee Ben

2 Comments, 79 Views, 8 Votes ,4.87 Score
would have you love.   8/28/2006

[ COLOR red] would have you love if you are nice, would you love if you are motivant, but i dont like, sometimes, in this year asphixiant.

0 Comments, 25 Views, 0 Votes
kramer 46 M
12  Articles
Love And Marriage By Plato   3/8/2006

One day, Plato asked his teacher, " What is love? How can I find it?" The teacher answered, "There's a large wheat field in front. Walk there without turning back, and take just one leaf. If you can find one leaf that you think is extraordinary, it means you have found love."
So Plato walked .. and not long after that, he came back empty-handed. The teacher asked him, "Why, you ...

0 Comments, 17 Views, 0 Votes
kramer 46 M
12  Articles
Does Love Need A Reason?   3/8/2006

Lady: Why do you like me..? Why do you love me?
Man: I can't tell the reason.. but I really like you..
Lady: You can't even tell me the reason... How can you say you like me? How can you say you love me?
Man: I really don't know the reason, but I can prove that I love you.
Lady: Proof? No! I want you to tell me the reason. My friend's ...

0 Comments, 10 Views, 1 Votes ,2.40 Score
kramer 46 M
12  Articles
How Not To Fall   3/7/2006

“In life, we have a choice but sometimes life seems to play with us putting us in a situation where we are very vulnerable. But did we stop to consider that maybe its life's way of teaching us a lesson and making us strong? To be more mature?
How not to fall? Difficult question to ponder on... even the great minds of the earth would have a hard time to reply to us ...

1 Comments, 16 Views, 1 Votes ,5.00 Score
kramer 46 M
12  Articles
Art Of Letting Go   3/7/2006

It's over. He's/She's gone. Why do we have to part while the love is still there? Why do we have to suffer? Why do we have to cry when someone bids goodbye? Why do beginnings have an end? Why do we have to meet only to loose in the end?
There are questions left unanswered, words left unsaid, letters left unread, poem left undone, songs left unsung, love left un expressed, ...

0 Comments, 11 Views, 1 Votes ,5.00 Score
Needing love   1/7/2006

There are some of us who are in need of being loved or being needed or just want to lie next to a man and feel his heartbeat or breathing, feeling the lifefore flow through him. However, we never get to enjoy those feelings because now we might be considered too old, too fat or overweight, or too infirmed. Alas, wasn't it George Bernard Shaw who said, "Youth is wasted on the young" .

1 Comments, 132 Views, 7 Votes ,2.79 Score
sebas18 37 M
2  Articles
have you ever   1/3/2006

have you ever loved somebody so much it makes you cry? or have you ever needed something so bad that you can not sleep at night.have you ever tried to find the words but they don't come out right.well that is the way i am feeling at the moment.i met this guy on gay friend finder and i am really attracted to him.i write to him all the time but he just does not seem to realise my feelings for ...

2 Comments, 199 Views, 13 Votes ,5.83 Score
Try this to get to know me   12/16/2005

Some people Try to lUv a stuD but onlY get hurt Over somethinG they cant chang, selfRespect is something to valuE @AT@ the Most Superficial tiMes the time to act is Now. now read back through and take all the capitol letters and hollar at me

0 Comments, 55 Views, 1 Votes ,2.40 Score
Give it to me   12/14/2005

Just want to be used for gay intercourse. Notyoaveragestud

0 Comments, 100 Views, 2 Votes ,1.04 Score
taer1980 42 M
2  Articles
every TEAR tells a story   10/5/2005

i'need love 4 ever.

1 Comments, 139 Views, 3 Votes ,4.41 Score
taer1980 42 M
2  Articles
hi I'Need man love man mobile 00962796783406   9/4/2005

hi I'm Ahmad from Jordan Amman i'm 23y and 182 cm 64 Kg.. just I'Need Love any man . i'm both and hard sex hot and ROMANCE.

0 Comments, 97 Views, 5 Votes ,4.12 Score
Love or like?   5/12/2005

Have you ever love someone how doesn't love you but at least he like you lots? <br> Love can be defined by different people. Someone can feel in love immediately but someone needs time for ages. <br> I am a person who never be successful with my previous 3 experiences. Even now the recent one, he seems not want love either. Time and space always be a topic of it. ...

1 Comments, 95 Views, 5 Votes ,1.84 Score
pretty_sam 38 M
30  Articles
A Song of Love...   5/10/2005

I hear you're taking the town again Having a good time. With all your good time friends. I don't think that you think of me. You're on your own now. And I'm alone and free. I know that I should get on with my life. But a life lived with out you could never be right. <br> As long as the stars shine down from the heavens. Long as the rivers run to the sea. ...

0 Comments, 38 Views, 1 Votes
gIm_greatminds 43 M
1  Article
Do you belive that God has just created Man and Women ?   5/3/2005

a lot of people say that GOD has created man and women only and WOMEN is for a man and MAN is for a WOMEN , then what is Lesbian and Gays for? Some people say that we must believe in what the BIBILE says or written, but what is the SCHOOL for? if we do not believe in their? the SCHOOL says that there is GAY'S b'cuz the Mother's Hormones has more and highly actived than ...

2 Comments, 115 Views, 13 Votes ,2.98 Score
pretty_sam 38 M
30  Articles
another day w/out your...LOVE!   4/10/2005

Here I am all a lone, Wishing you would just phone, Thoughts <br> of You, Drowning My Mind, Am I just a fool wasting my time <br> ? I don't want to live my life in a dream But without You, <br> Life seems to be so cold and mean, Another day alone without <br> your Love Bone, another day, I fight to keep the tears away, <br> Another day I pray that ...

0 Comments, 19 Views, 0 Votes
pretty_sam 38 M
30  Articles
love and sex...   4/10/2005

It could be the same for lots of people. But the important point is that it's a must for me! I can phrase it in short by "No sex if no love". Love meant here is not necessary what has been grown ... <br> -pretty_sam

0 Comments, 28 Views, 3 Votes ,3.92 Score
pretty_sam 38 M
30  Articles
story...   4/10/2005

Why are my thoughts so unclear? The demons that drive my fears The rain cleanses my soul. I can feel the tiger in me roar. A caged animal rises from my being. I don’t know where I am going. So lost in this darkness called life. My innocence clouds my eyes. Draped in false prophecy of religion. The in me searches for the truth. Love just watches while I crawl by. No ...

0 Comments, 15 Views, 0 Votes
pretty_sam 38 M
30  Articles
love story: pretty_sam   3/23/2005

Once upon a time, there was an island where all the feelings lived: Happiness, Sadness, Knowledge, and all of the others including Love. One day it was announced to the feelings that the island would sink, so all prepared their boats and left the island. Love was the only one who stayed behind. You see, Love wanted to wait until the last possible moment before leaving. ...

0 Comments, 21 Views, 1 Votes ,3.70 Score
jim696998 81 M
25  Articles
Love is strange, love is sweet   2/21/2005

I have many times thought I was in love, but not always is that feeling shared by the other party. I continue to try to find love but I have been looking for well over 12 years for a man to fill the bill in my life. Although I have been disappointed many times because this love is not reciprocated I do keep looking and will till the day I find it or untile my time has ended. When love is ...

1 Comments, 83 Views, 3 Votes ,3.92 Score
jim696998 81 M
25  Articles
LOVE is very important   2/16/2005

When I know a person for a long time I learn to respect them for who they are, how they treat people around them and the respect they show for others. If they get into my life on a personal basis and all goes well between us for a period of time then I may feel for them in a very special way, this way is very important to me and I call it love.. What do you think

0 Comments, 19 Views, 0 Votes
jim696998 81 M
25  Articles
LOVE is sometimes onesided   2/15/2005

I know from experience that love is not always mutual between two people. I have been in love with a few people in my life and some say they are in love with me, but they are not always a deeply in love with you as you are with them. I am currently seeing someone I love very deeply but who at present say he loves me also, but when I talk of committment he sort of backs way off, so I do not ...

0 Comments, 19 Views, 0 Votes