the art of edging 6/14/2016
I am a great fan of "edging". Making a session
of last for several hours. The result is a
very powerful orgasm and a great amount of semen is produced.
This has proven to be somewhat difficult for some. Granted
it is hard to stop what your doing momentaraly when your
at the brink of orgasm. The benifits are well worth it if
you can do this. You might
consider that when you ejaculate the feeling ...
1 Comments, 99 Views,
5 Votes
,5.10 Score |
How can I tell her I'm gay? 2/22/2016
I have been with my girlfriend for 3 years now and we are all
doing fine with our relationships. She keeps telling me
that she loved me very much and she wants me to his husband
and spend the rest of her life with me...The only problem
is that I am gay, and she doesn't know about it. I have
been with guys, had sex with few of them. I am good at hiding
u know...I only did kiss and snog my ...
1 Comments, 35 Views,
0 Votes
watersports 8/29/2009
I want to promote safe watersports. A lot of gays don't
quite understand this activity, which is fine if it truely
turns you off. However, I'll wager to say most have
never experienced it and the image in the mind is somewhat
crude. I believe it is a very close sharing by two men. To
hold each other close and feel it run over the body is a very
stimulating experience and tends to bond you ...
1 Comments, 64 Views,
1 Votes
,3.70 Score |
Being Queer in Small Towns 6/3/2008
I'm fine, thanks for asking. Except that I've
moved back to my home town after living in major urban centres
for half my life. Needless to say there's a bit of a culture
shock moving from a city of five million to fifty thousand
- and not just from a queer perspective. I mean, there's
nowhere to go for a pizza or mango shake at two in the morning.
If the statistics are correct, there would ...
1 Comments, 129 Views,
7 Votes
,5.33 Score |
What I Learn So Far 1 3/29/2007
"We must accept finite disappointment, but we must
never lose infinite hope."
"Pick battles big enough to matter, small enough
to win."
"We write write our own destiny. We become what we
"You have to stand for something or you'll fall
for anything."
"Life is short, and it's up to you to make it sweet."
3 Comments, 22 Views,
4 Votes
,0.53 Score |
All Moral and upright! 2/18/2007
Why is it that lots of gay guys suck cock and then build this
wall in front of them and make themselves out to be such moral
and upright citizens. "Oh Im such a moral Queer"
and the rest of the gays are just useless queens, thats the
typical attitude out there
6 Comments, 91 Views,
5 Votes
,0.53 Score |
MANGA BOYS 10/20/2006
Manga Boys is the refreshing personal vision of young Japanese
artist Kinu Sekiushi. His twentysomethingish boys seem
to my eye to be an almost molecular fusion of European and
Asian physical types set in an un-named tropical paradise,
such as Hawaii or Fiji.
Stylistically slanted blue eyes on elongated Caucasian
faces, long-legged European bodies completely bare of
typical body hair, ...
0 Comments, 100 Views,
8 Votes
,4.17 Score |
Attitude Is Everything 10/1/2006
Michael is the kind of guy you love to hate. He is always in
a good mood and always has something positive to say. When
someone would ask him how he was doing, he would reply, "If
I were any better, I would be twins!"
He was a natural motivator.
If an employee was having a bad day, Michael was there telling
the employee how to look on the positive side of the situation. ...
1 Comments, 20 Views,
1 Votes
,5.00 Score |
What Floor Are You On?? 9/1/2006
Do you remember older buildings with elevators that didn't
have digital readouts indicating which floor the elevator
was on but rather having a half moon dial with a pointer,
like a hand on a clock? Think of sexuality in this respect.
Sexuality has different levels (or floors): We are not
just gay, bisexual or straight. Think of the first floor
as straight. Then in the center of the dial is ...
2 Comments, 117 Views,
5 Votes
,3.80 Score |
Online Friends or More 1/4/2006
I like the idea of maybe meeting nice guys for friendships
or other things. No bar situation or loud noise to deal with.
Gives you a chance to get to know each other somewhat, before
you decide on maybe meeting in public sometime down the
road when you both feel comfortable.
You find all kinds of people out there, some can hold intelligent/funny
conversations and are ...
1 Comments, 98 Views,
7 Votes
,5.59 Score |
A Friend... 8/19/2005
(A)ccepts you as you are
( elieves in "you" (C)alls you just to say "HI" (D)oesn't give up on you
(E)nvisions the whole of you
(F)orgives your mistakes
(G)ives unconditionally
(H)elps you
( nvites you over
(J)ust "be" with you
(K)eeps you close at heart
( oves you for who you are
(M)akes a difference in your life
(N)ever Judges
( ffers support
(P)icks ...
1 Comments, 23 Views,
2 Votes
,3.81 Score |
Is he Mr. Right? 8/19/2005
I've been managing people for over 14 years and I've
really become a great judge of character. A lot of guys can
talk the talk, but can they walk the talk too? Keep an eye
out for any patterns of trust, respect and honesty beging
broken. A cheat, thief and a liar can not be perfect all the
time. Trust your instincts and don't let your love
blind you to the truth; don't settle for ...
1 Comments, 120 Views,
5 Votes
,3.14 Score |
Growing up gay but hiding it 4/8/2005
I have enjoyed the company of males all my life, but when
I was younger it was not as it is now where being gay is a lot
more commonplace. In my younger days it was unheard of to
love a man. I spent my life in denial, meeting women, marrying
them and having . I do not ever regret having my
as they are two of the best in the world today,
both very commited to their partners and their , ...
1 Comments, 146 Views,
13 Votes
,4.82 Score |