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advent43 68 M
8  Articles
filling me for today   11/12/2019

Was laying in bed this morning thinking about waking up to your hard cock pressed up against my ass, prodding me for relief...Then feeling your hand on my hip holding me in place as you guided the tip of your cock to my opening. Already lubed you push and I move against you, to take you inside. Just he head of you first, feeling you pulse the entrance while I squeeze you tight, then move my ass ...

0 Comments, 6 Views, 1 Votes ,3.70 Score
advent43 68 M
8  Articles
taking you completely   11/12/2019

While sensuously stroking your lovely cock you spread your cheeks invitingly and dab lubricant onto your puckered ass. My response is immediate as I move my rigid cock to you and ease myself into your tight bottom. Feeling your warmth surround me, I begin fucking you slowly as my hands move from your hips to your love muscle. <br><br> I love fucking you deeply as you grip me tight and ...

0 Comments, 5 Views, 0 Votes
advent43 68 M
8  Articles
the shape of you   11/12/2019

I love the shape of your sexy cock. From the suckable head gradually increasing in girth to a thick middle and then tapering down a bit to form the very essence of a human butt plug, ! Mmm, to straddle you and slowly work my way down feeling your thickening cock filling me, then to ease you into me to the hilt. In ecstasy I imagine slowly rotating my hips while squeezing you, feeling the fullness ...

0 Comments, 3 Views, 0 Votes
advent43 68 M
8  Articles
the invitation   11/12/2019

Each time I see your gorgeous cock I begin fantasizing...mmm to have you on all fours on the bed with your half hard cock dangling invitingly between your legs. Your ass in the air exposed and vulnerable with anticipation. I kneel behind you and reach between your legs to grip your muscle and pull you back to my waiting tongue, at first just lightly dancing around your hole, then after your ass ...

0 Comments, 1 Views, 0 Votes
advent43 68 M
8  Articles
a lovely ride   11/12/2019

I'd love to feel you hardening in my hand as we passionately kiss, then take you between my warm moist lips to taste you completely. Softly carressing your churning balls I feel your head swelling at the ministrations of my tongue, tasting your free flowing precum...I mount your hard cock, gyrating down on to you, feeling you touching the depths of me as we embrace our lips and tongues ...

0 Comments, 1 Views, 0 Votes
advent43 68 M
8  Articles
a truly wonderful surprise   11/12/2019

On an idle day off my friend Ralph invited me over for the afternoon to watch a new video release. We had been friends for a few months, had partied together and he had sucked me off on several occasions so I thought today might be a repeat. While watching the movie and passing the pipe, Ralphs' lover Dennis came home from work a few hours early, nixing any erotic fantasies I had. Although I ...

0 Comments, 4 Views, 0 Votes
advent43 68 M
8  Articles
ABS   11/12/2019

It's evening after work, I stop into the local book store to peruse the newest DVDs. After viewing the latest, I purchase some tokens and proceed to the viewing area. <br><br> <br><br> <br><br> I find a booth in the back corner, and click thru the selection. Growing hard almost immediately, I unzip and start stroking my cock. <br><br> ...

0 Comments, 3 Views, 0 Votes
advent43 68 M
8  Articles
First time fuck   11/12/2019

One hot afternoon, after helping Ralph on his new addition we took a break to cool off. After he used the bathroom to wash up, I did the same. While bending over the sink I sensed him enter the bathroom, then felt his hands on my hips pulling my nylon running shorts down. I started to turn as he told me to relax and knelt behind me. <br><br> <br><br> Ralph had sucked me ...

0 Comments, 6 Views, 2 Votes ,4.50 Score
scway69 58 M
1  Article
What if both R Bottoms   3/12/2015

I had this happen. It didn't matter between the two of us. We'd 69 goin on 2 rimming then devouring each others holes. Really, thinking back-it was a pretty cool situation!

1 Comments, 41 Views, 3 Votes ,2.94 Score
bigd204697 63 M
1  Article
BI OR GAY   6/11/2011


2 Comments, 180 Views, 11 Votes ,3.92 Score
kjsantos15 45 M
1  Article

I often feel as though most closet cases are generally afraid to explore the bright side of things. lol I would like to take the time to say I think being confident about your sexuallity is great and it is certainly something I am getting better at. Thank you and God bless!


1 Comments, 56 Views, 3 Votes ,4.90 Score
rnut 37 M
1  Article
love   6/17/2010

1 Comments, 53 Views, 3 Votes ,2.45 Score
1  Article
A natural path   1/4/2009

I'm a married bi who didn't really get interested in guys until about eight years ago. Been married 35 yrs and am 60 yrs old.

What made me think about sex with a guy was a near death experience in the operating room. I just realized that I had a sexual only attraction to cock. I enjoy the sexual tension and fun involved in playing with guys. I am totally in love with my wife and would ...

4 Comments, 258 Views, 13 Votes ,5.49 Score
Serious1_83 41 M
1  Article
DL BRUHS   5/9/2008


3 Comments, 62 Views, 3 Votes ,4.41 Score
Asteroth2 70 M
2  Articles
Male Slaves & SMBD, CBT, The Doc speaks on!   2/13/2007

Now here's a Heading you young guys can get your teeth into! Way down deep you all know you have had and HAVE the desire to serbve another, DOMINANT MAN and be MADE to care for his sexual needs, wants and desires no matter what they are. Let's see how many of you have balls enough to admit to this and come on down and speak your minds kiddies. I am always looking for an over 18 slave ...

2 Comments, 240 Views, 11 Votes ,4.48 Score
Asteroth2 70 M
2  Articles
Bisexuality? Males? bullsh[i!1l]t! No Such thing!   2/13/2007

After so many books written in my years on this subject and so many lectures, i find it insane that the subject is still being discussed and bantered about. IF you are a MALE and SEEK OUT THE sexual companionship of another MALE, OVER that iof a female, yolu are are NOT straight kiddies so stop trying to make yourselves feel better thinking that you were or arer NOT a ...

7 Comments, 324 Views, 30 Votes
0769E 77 M
3  Articles
My second date with someone new   12/2/2006

My second date with someone new.
My first ever date was a terrible first date. Even though some of you don't believe the story. I meet my new friend about three months later. Nothing sexually happened. Just a nice afternoon of talking and getting to know each other. He was bigger than me but not by much. We had a good time and I decided to take a chance and ...

1 Comments, 361 Views, 16 Votes ,6.36 Score
gentleguy2006 78 M
1  Article
not confused just not connected   9/26/2006

I have been married three times and had a ball sexually in between. I like women and having \bsexo?\b with women. I enjoy men too...some more than others.
When I was in college, a gay guy kept hitting on me until I finally said ok. He invited me to his apartment and told me to undress and shower. He laid me on the bed and rimmed me and gave me a blowjob. At the time, I ...

1 Comments, 404 Views, 30 Votes ,5.89 Score
hot summer.   8/23/2006

was in the coast, when look a preety boy. his skin was very bronceated, and body, attractiv. also look me, after going to a bar, tell for a gaseosous, and me, near to him. talk us.after, went to a rocks and get see this genial body.the nadators have a good body. went a february genial.

0 Comments, 282 Views, 8 Votes ,2.32 Score
girl genial.   8/14/2006

In past years, my first date whit a woman went in the month of october. are genial, like person and body.cause her hair are blonde, and her lips are fines.came of a fest, whit a friend girl, and ask me, if have time for speak, cause see us in the institute.respond to her, yes.late, go us , among of a forest , near of the institute.talking, late begin to touch me.i am ...

0 Comments, 95 Views, 5 Votes ,2.16 Score
muguangshun 44 M
1  Article
Likes is likes   8/14/2006

Likes the man not having the reason, explained not clearly, as if a birth is destined

0 Comments, 83 Views, 6 Votes ,3.08 Score
Chris876 48 M
1  Article
Bisexuallity and coming out   7/31/2006

I am new to this site and I am a married bisexual guy. I have found it very difficult to come "out" and was wondering if anyone has some advise about this problem and I would like to know how they came thru it. My wife knows and the people Ive been with know, but otherwise thats it.

4 Comments, 514 Views, 27 Votes ,5.98 Score
0769E 77 M
3  Articles
A drive to nowhere special   7/26/2006

I needed to get out of the house for awhile so I hopped into my Jeep. I didn’t have any special place I was going I just wanted to go for a drive. I was driving for about 15 minutes listening to some music when I saw this really nice bar. I pulled over and parked in the parking lot. I enter and sat at the corner of the bar. The bar tender greeted me and asked what I would like. I ...

5 Comments, 508 Views, 21 Votes ,7.70 Score
Royce4 57 M
7  Articles
Narcissus   7/17/2006

In Greek mythology, Narcissus was a hero who was renowned for his beauty and his pride
Ameinias, a young man, loved Narcissus but was scorned. To tell Ameinias off, Narcissus gave him a sword as a present. Ameinias used the sword to kill himself on Narcissus' doorstep and prayed that Narcissus would one day know the pain of unrequited love. This curse was fulfilled when Narcissus ...

1 Comments, 133 Views, 3 Votes ,4.41 Score
Royce4 57 M
7  Articles
Injured ic Cairo   7/16/2006

Mf friend Kurt sent me the following email when he heard I was seeing a Saudi/Greek guy:
Mighty Tut-uncommon,
What the hell are you trying to do, get your head cut off for the benefit of CNN junkies? Can there be a more volatile mixture (outside of C4 and TNT) than a Saudi and a Greek? What are they attempting over there by breeding such a creature? Perfect the ...

1 Comments, 126 Views, 5 Votes ,1.19 Score
Royce4 57 M
7  Articles
LoveBites   7/13/2006

So I go out the other night to meet a friend at a bar & he blows me off. Anyway, this hot Egyptian guy keeps checking me out, so I am getting rather turned on. We had a drink together….turns out he’s married. Long story short we go back to my apt and do some heavy petting ‒ no sex, . Had an amazing orgasm though ‒ felt like the power of 4. This morning I wake ...

0 Comments, 165 Views, 10 Votes ,3.58 Score
Royce4 57 M
7  Articles
Last night in Cairo   7/12/2006

More adventures in Cairo city….
So I go out last night to meet a friend at a bar & he blows me off. Anyway, this hot Egyptian guy keeps checking me out, so I am getting rather turned on. We had a drink together….turns out he’s married. Long story short we go back to my apt and do some heavy petting ‒ no sex, . This morning I wake up and look in the ...

0 Comments, 186 Views, 6 Votes ,1.94 Score
dee1062 69 M
1  Article
to be not to be   4/4/2006

I am very bi....But when I look at a female I want to be her or look like her....when I look at a male I want to have sex....I have been with females and enjoyed it but also have been with males and WOW.....

1 Comments, 144 Views, 3 Votes ,3.43 Score
ex Air Force friend   2/3/2006

When I was in the Air Force living in the barracks, Chet used to joke about showering and not only dropping the soap, but the ivory snow flakes. He treated me like a younger brother.When it came to discussing sexual stuff he was quite funny, but made me blush sometimes. One time he showed me an Air Force movie shown to expecting mothers. It showed a baby being delivered. Later, after we ...

1 Comments, 599 Views, 22 Votes ,3.73 Score
sebas18 37 M
2  Articles
bi men are alright   12/30/2005

i do not know what it is but guys that are known to be straight are always trying to pick me up.i have want out with a few and they were really nice.they just know how to hold you and do the right things.usually it is a one night atand or for the whole weekend. i am ususally to shy to talk to them again and i ignore them.but i have never been with the same guy again because i usually ignore ...

1 Comments, 358 Views, 19 Votes ,3.12 Score
myerwin 37 M
11  Articles
why there are bi persons who really love sex?   12/27/2005

one night when my cousins were drunk someone go to his side and ask something and it was too weird because he ask for sex, that person don't wear a girl thing or even dress in girl. He ask my cousin can we have sex, my cousin ask him too "are you a bi" and the person was stuck and did'nt say anything but damn. In a short while my cousin decided to have sex with that person and so with ...

0 Comments, 378 Views, 13 Votes ,3.48 Score
blowngo94 59 M
1  Article
can it work?   12/17/2005

i am married and have been for 15yrs. i discovered a long time ago i enjoy men however it has only been recently that i have done anything about it. i love my wife and she loves me and we have a great sex life and personal relationship. i have also fallen in love with a 28yr old man who also loves me. in both relationships we enjoy each others company and both partners know about each ...

1 Comments, 425 Views, 17 Votes ,3.27 Score
welshhubby4fun 51 M
1  Article
Live And Learn ?   12/14/2005

Im a bisexual man and have always been attracted to both men and women, and i dont think that i could ever be monogamous because i of my moral boundaries as in i dont have any lol. sraight people have all the women in the world to choose from, so to speak, and gay people have all the men to choose from, bisexuals have everybody to choose from, you work it out !! <br> But as a ...

0 Comments, 181 Views, 8 Votes ,4.17 Score
goldenboy787 71 M
1  Article
I JUST AM NOT SURE?   12/11/2005

I am 52 years old and for the last five years i have been i have become more and more interestd in men. I JUST DONT KNOW WHY? and its quite worrying!!. I am somtimes disscusted in myself, when i get this strange desire to have a man cum in my mouth. Please tell me whats going on???

1 Comments, 388 Views, 17 Votes ,3.97 Score
I don't really like being with Bi guys   8/26/2005

The thing is that I wanna meet a good man that will love and care for me , not the case of most Bi guys , they just wanna have fun with u and after they'll go home to see their women ! U're forgotten ! Lonely and nothing left ! I hate that !

0 Comments, 259 Views, 11 Votes ,3.17 Score
vstarguy 64 M
1  Article
People Just Want To enjoy Sex!!!   8/13/2005

I myself along with my wife do not find anything wrong or wierd about being BI...We both are and like the life style... We know it is not for everyone but let those you choose to live this life style enjoy it...As long as no one is getting hurt, or no cheatting on your spouse ( like so many married men do ) why not just admite to ones self the they are BI... It can be and has been a hell of ...

3 Comments, 407 Views, 21 Votes ,6.71 Score
barebunsdaddy 65 M
1  Article
Telling one's Family/Coming Out of the Closet   7/2/2005

For many years I lived with a deep secret carrying it around in my heart, my mind, and my being. Longing to be able to talk to my family to express myself to truely be me. As you grow the acceptable family view is marry, have , and raise a family. But what do you do if that isn't how you feel inside? Fearing family rejection I married, had and raised them. I love my dearly and now grown ...

0 Comments, 151 Views, 8 Votes ,3.25 Score
whell 38 M
1  Article
mostly bi men r real playa   3/7/2005

most of bisexuals r such a player, i mean most of them would only give u a one night stand, then it ends just at it is.... why do they do that?

2 Comments, 619 Views, 38 Votes ,2.74 Score