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How many stay In the closet becuse of Fear   4/20/2008

I have to admit that I have because I did try to come out in the early 80s and wound up in the hospital because I trusted the wrong people . But I do believe that there are a lot more like me than they admit it. But I am very tired of. Of being afraid and not being able to feel like I can be me. the real Me instead of the one that every won feels is acceptable. Or Am I that unusual the exception ...

0 Comments, 35 Views, 3 Votes ,3.43 Score
needoldermen0 60 M
1  Article
In the closet   10/24/2006

I'm in the closet and wish i could come out. But the town I live in is so small that I would be run out. Is this a problem all over or just in my small hick town.

3 Comments, 129 Views, 6 Votes ,3.08 Score
my life in the closet.   8/10/2006

in years antiques , i look in southamerica , a episode of discrimination.maybe now is no very important, but in this years are hard. i live a life honest.

0 Comments, 89 Views, 2 Votes ,2.42 Score
the closet and i   1/17/2006

i know how hard it is to live in the closet i did for 3 yrs and it was very hard especially when i brought home my boyfriend i told everyone he was just my friend and one night he started to cry because of what i said to my parents he thought i was ashamed of him but i told him why i said that so he got his things and left and when i finally came out (which i posted on coming out) thats ...

2 Comments, 417 Views, 22 Votes ,4.33 Score
Not your average nexd door   12/16/2005

i was The that had it all, i played football and lacrosse i had a wonderfull girlfriend and a job i had just moved into an apartment and was on my own at the age of 18 and then disaster riped the world i formly knew apart. I was on my senior trip with serveral of my buddies and girlfriends. we were all riding motocycles and i crased, well actually i drove it off a cliff im lucky to be ...

0 Comments, 432 Views, 17 Votes ,2.84 Score
pandys 66 M
1  Article
Home Alone?   10/22/2005

It started out simply enough, I was visiting my sister and her husband for the week . They both work so I had the run of her house and I took advantage of the opportunity to sleep in on my vacation. I woke late and assumed everyone had gone for work. I took a nice relaxing shower, Sis’s bathroom was warm and cozy so I took my time. When I went to put my towel in the hamper I noticed ...

7 Comments, 982 Views, 45 Votes ,7.76 Score
2  Articles
Think before you say something   7/3/2005

To those who say something about life in the closet... that they should come out...blah blah blah... please if you have not been in this situation, think before you say something. Because we all have different situations in life. <br> First thing this people need is support, understanding and positive encouragement. NOT ridiculous opinions.

0 Comments, 296 Views, 25 Votes ,6.45 Score
sarg1369 63 M
1  Article
The Military   4/20/2005

Being in the military has its challanges, being Gay or Bisexual in the milatary adds to this. I can remember what happened to people in the service if you were (found out). You would get kicked out of the service so quick, Don not pass go etc... Today the policy of Dont Ask Dont tell is wrong. I truly believe that if this were to change alot of people would be surprised to find out how ...

3 Comments, 474 Views, 23 Votes ,5.46 Score
jim696998 81 M
25  Articles
More than you think   3/7/2005

From the men I have met and from others I have talked with, I think that if there were no discrimination about being gay then you would find that about 90% of men today would just love to give gay sex a try. I have several married guys come see me on occassion and they all say the same thing. if they did not have to worry about what others think they would be openly gay, but todays society ...

1 Comments, 263 Views, 17 Votes ,5.95 Score
jim696998 81 M
25  Articles
The numbers in the closet   2/14/2005

I do believe myself that the number in the closet if they all came out today there would be a vast amjority of gays in this world. I have met many men at different places that would be willing to be gay if only they did not see discrimination lurking around every corner. Today if the people in the closet all came out then the gay bashers would be a vast minority and they would have to be ...

0 Comments, 155 Views, 6 Votes ,4.50 Score