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Tought the right way by the wrong people   10/10/2009

I was 10 years old desided to come home early from school. walked in the house went to the kitchen to get some soda heard noise in the basement so i went to see what it was.i saw my 3 three uncles and 4 four of their frends really goin at it .I have always dah a huge cock 9in at 10yo. girls would have nothing to do with cock got hard as i wacthed one of their frends saw me.he pulled my ...

0 Comments, 46 Views, 5 Votes ,3.80 Score
djoe1969 55 M
4  Articles
The hiden truth   3/28/2008

I think most of us try to hide our sexual behavor because of society and with good reason. Families tend to drop you off the face of the earth when they know the truth except for a few fortunate. The truth of the of the matter is most of us are to afraid to find out. This new greneration is more open minded for the younger and the rest of us will wait till our parents are gone and even by then it ...

0 Comments, 16 Views, 2 Votes ,1.73 Score
Is it alright I don't want to admit what I am   3/28/2007

I have alwasy liked boys even since I was a . It is something I can't help and wouldn't ignore even if I could. Is it alright that I don't want to tell my family or freinds and I want to live the life of a straight man when I know I am bi. I just don't want the hassels brought on by people who think deferently about gay people when if they don't know they just keep treating me like the guy I ...

1 Comments, 35 Views, 3 Votes ,5.39 Score
bottomsgalorie 38 M
1  Article
Being Gay as    12/21/2006

Ok, well im prolly gonna be removed after this. But anyway. I am realy 15, gay male in glendale arizona. I was wondering if anyone had tips on becoming more gay socialable.. I have been with a few guys, but its hard to get around parents to do it. Any ways to come out and advice.

1 Comments, 101 Views, 6 Votes ,3.08 Score
Gay Dad, the Grandad!   8/19/2005

I know the feeling of the pressures of being Gay. In the article on 'Gay Dad's' he talks about it. I am still in the closet. Like the author, I too served in the Military and had to suppress my feelings, and if I was with a man, had to be very secretive and suffered guilt feelings. I've married twice and never recieved gratification or satisfaction from a Heterosexual relationship. Had 3 ...

1 Comments, 141 Views, 6 Votes ,4.50 Score
jim696998 81 M
25  Articles
Coming out to family   2/14/2005

For years I lived a double life being gay in private and living a normal hetrosexual style life in public. The first loved one that I came out to was my commonlaw wife and she was all for me enjoying the company of men as well as herself. When we finally broke up( not because of me being gay), my kept at me that she would have to find me a new gilrfriend so I would continue to be happy. At ...

1 Comments, 56 Views, 6 Votes ,3.93 Score
Flashmon 61 M
5  Articles
Flash's speech on POT to Mental Health Workers of Vancouver   2/2/2005

Marijuana is the safest and most effective stimulant, relaxant, anti-depressant, pain killer and appetite stimulant known. <br> <br> Unlike other stimulants (like caffeine and tobacco) other relaxants (like alcohol and Valium) and other anti-depressants (like Prozac and chocolate), cannabis has no negative short or long term health effects, no record of death by ...

1 Comments, 76 Views, 3 Votes ,3.43 Score