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Secluded 8/20/2005 I live in an area that is secluded, I must go 6 miles to the nearest store. The nearest town to meat at is clicky and young. I don't get a chance to meat anyone there. So far I have had to travel 0 Comments, 262 Views, 0 Votes | |
To My First Love 8/19/2005 One day people will see, What we have, you and me. One day I went away, Never dreamed I would not stay, For you and I will have to try, it'll be hard and you can see why. < 0 Comments, 58 Views, 0 Votes | |
'the Trucker' 8/19/2005 This trucker always had to be on the road and was concerned about his partner always being alone while he was gone. One day as he was departing to 'hit the road', he gave his partner $100.00 and s 0 Comments, 217 Views, 0 Votes | |
Gay Dad, the Grandad! 8/19/2005 I know the feeling of the pressures of being Gay. In the article on 'Gay Dad's' he talks about it. I am still in the closet. Like the author, I too served in the Military and had to suppress my fe 0 Comments, 141 Views, 0 Votes | |
'tis better to have loved and lost............' 8/19/2005 Someone once wrote: 'tis better to have loved and lost, than never having loved at all.' Losing a loved one always hurts, some more than others. I've twice been married, my first wife divorced me 0 Comments, 100 Views, 0 Votes | |
Sexuality is a private issue. 8/18/2005 Any person, no matter what gender has a right to sexuality. I do not believe in discrimination of anyone based on race, sexualal orientation, disabilities, gender...., etc. Personally I believe the 0 Comments, 90 Views, 0 Votes | |
Unable to come out 8/17/2005 Due to my life and the way I have lived I am unable to come out. I didn't even allow myself to fully enjoy the company of another man. I was twice married and never found satisfaction with a female 0 Comments, 194 Views, 0 Votes |